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It starts with the first step

At Morayfield Martial Arts we understand that it may be intimidating for the first time, setting foot inside a dojo.Especially if you have no previous martial arts experience. That is why we offer the 6 Week Beginners Course, to give you a taste of what Japanese Jujutsu is all about. It will equip you with the skills and techniques both physically and mentally so that you can go on to a regular class with confidence. You will be starting with other like minded new students who will be at a similar level to you.

This six week training comprises two parts-both designed to give students a working knowledge of the martial arts contained in Japanese Jiujutsu


Part One - 3 Weeks


The focus is on ukemi (rolling and breakfalls),blocking, punching,postures and kicking giving a solid foundation on which to build on to for Part Two.


Part Two - 3 Weeks


Sanshin no kata-The five basic forms on which to build timing distance and how to incorparate blocks and strikes


Kihon Happo-The eight basic techniques which teach movement and blocks,strikes and locks.


Basic weapons techniques including sword, hanbo and bo staff



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